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Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

Handling of Personal Information


We would like to inform you about the handling of personal information related to our inquiry services as follows. We kindly ask for your consent before making any inquiries.

Use of Personal Information


Our company will hold and use your personal information for the following purposes in connection with this service.

Personal Information




Telephone Number


Email Address


Purpose of Use

① To use as data for responding to inquiries from service users of our company.


② For communication via phone, mail, email, SMS, etc., from our company for operations related to accounting and tax services, such as those provided by a tax accountant's office.


Provision and Entrustment of Personal Information to Third Parties


Our company uses the personal information held only for the purposes mentioned above and does not provide it to any third parties. We may entrust the handling of all or part of the personal information acquired to third parties within the scope necessary for the above-mentioned purposes, after taking necessary protective measures. These third parties may include those located outside of Japan.

Requests for Disclosure, Deletion, Correction, etc., of Personal Information


Customers can request our company to disclose personal information related to themselves. Also, if there are errors or changes in the personal information held by our company, you can request corrections, additions, deletions, etc.


Optional Nature of Fields to be Filled


Filling in fields other than the required ones is optional. We appreciate it if you could provide the information.




For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information by our company, please contact us at the following.




tel. +81 3 (6272)8206 


fax. +81 3 (6272)8207 


(Note: Reception hours are from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM on weekdays.)

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