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Shinji Nakajima
NAKAJIMA TAX & ACCOUNTING OFFICE joins IR Global as a member in Japan.
I’m excited to announce that NAKAJIMA TAX & ACCOUNTING OFFICE joins IR Global as an Exclusive Tax Accounting Member in Japan. We...
Shinji Nakajima
A New Challenge: Supporting Sales Growth for Small Businesses through Tax Accounting and Advertising Strategies
My father ran a tax accounting office in Shintomi-cho, Chuo-ku. Growing up in that environment, tax and accounting naturally became...
Shinji Nakajima
父は中央区新富町で税理士として会計事務所を営んでいました。そんな環境で育ったので、自然と税務や会計が身近な存在でした。 学生時代、ぼんやりと「海外と関わる仕事がしたい」と思っていました。立教大学を卒業してから、ミズノ株式会社に入社し、広報宣伝部に配属されました。入社3年目の...
Shinji Nakajima
5.Basic five rules in tax & accounting in running corporation.(5/5)
Chapter 5: Social security system 1. Japan has four different kinds of insurance system which companies are legally obliged to take part...
Shinji Nakajima
4.Basic five rules in tax & accounting in running corporation.(4/5)
Chapter 4: Special tax collection (individual residence tax) 1.How to pay individual residence tax? There are two payment methods:...
Shinji Nakajima
3.Basic five rules in tax & accounting in running corporation.(3/5)
Chapter 3: Year-end adjustment (income tax) 1.The year-end adjustment is the process whereby the payer of salary, etc. settles the...
Shinji Nakajima
2.Basic five rules in tax & accounting in running corporation.(2/5)
Chapter 2: Withholding tax system (income tax) 1.Articles 6 of income tax act states as following. "Persons who pay salaries (Employment...
Shinji Nakajima
1.Basic five rules in tax & accounting in running corporation.(1/5)
Chapter 1: Corporation tax act 1. Articles 4 and 5 of corporation tax act state as followings. "Domestic corporations shall be liable to...
Shinji Nakajima
How tax and accounting office supports a Foreign company operates Japan subsidiary
1.Foreign company entering the Japanese market We often receive inquiries from foreign company representatives as followings; “I want to...
Shinji Nakajima
1.外国企業の日本進出 外国の企業担当者様から「日本で事業を開始したいのだけど、その方法を詳しく教えて欲しい」と、よくお問い合わせいただきます。 外国企業が日本進出を行う場合、①日本法人の設立(株式会社または合同会社)②日本支店の設立③駐在員事務所の設置の3つの方法がありま...
Shinji Nakajima
Japan Electronic Book Preservation Act
"Japan Electronic Book Preservation Act & Action plan" In Japan, accounting books, general ledgers and documentary evidence are basically...
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